To Kill a Kingdom| Alexandra Christo| Book Review


To kill a Kingdom by @alexandrachristowrites is the story of love, betrayal, power and humanity. Our main protagonist Lira, is a siren and the daughter of the evil Sea Queen. Lira is known for her cruelness but there is still kindness in her. Wherein our hero is Prince Elian who is a Siren killer and is determined to kill the Sea Queen and her evil daughter. So what happens when a siren killer meets a siren and end up falling for her???

I just love the story and the entire writing style of the book. Both the main characters were headstrong along with other characters. The entire hate love relationship and the suspense as to what would happen if Lira’s truth is exposed keeps you hooked to the end. This book is fun, easy to grasp and it would definitely capture your mind, heart and help you leave reality. 

So my rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5


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