The Sun is also a Star | Nicola Yoon | Book Review


“Falling in love is a blessing and getting that blessing everyday is worth loving”

✨✨Book Review ✨✨

The Sun is also a Star is the story of two teens Daniel and Natasha who meet each other on the most eventful day of their life and fall in love with each other. The story is about hope, love, attraction, family issues, separation.

Natasha is a Jamaican-American who is getting deported back to her country and Daniel is a Korean-American who is going for a interview against his wishes. When they meet in time of desperation, something sparkles in heart and they knew that they were meant to be. 

The plot line was simple and sweet. Now to be honest, I picked this book because of its hype and went in completely blindly. The whole idea of 2 people meeting on a bizarre day and ending up falling in love with each other is nice and I liked it, but just couldn’t accept it.

I know I sound unrealistic and unromantic... I mean what can I do? Love at first sight... 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️Now the story started well, but then all this happening on a single day is pointless. Then again Daniel has an interview with a advocate for Yale University and the type of questions they discuss in a interview... Ridiculous....

I liked the idea of bringing small stories of random people in various chapters. Helped to connect. But then too the whole story with its timeline didn’t connect with me. I liked the characters but at times the story was bit dragging.

My Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5


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