Faith and Beloved | Kochery C Shibu| Book Review


Faith and Beloved is a crime thriller with two stories running parallel. One plot is following Naithy and her daughter Alice and other is of two brothers Arun and Prem.

Now the story is written in depth and each generation of families and its culture are described in detail. The suspense factor is amazing and the story really had a lot of scopes. But the book had certain issues: 

Lack of editing: There were many scenes which could be written well and explained well but it didn’t happen. 

Unnecessary descriptions: There were a lot of areas where lengthy descriptions could have been avoided.

Too many sex scenes: Important matters like Rape and Female sensuality were handled in petty lines and I couldn’t overlook them.

In case, these factors don’t disturb you , then you could give this book a try.

My Rating: ⭐️⭐️/5

Thank you @authorshibu for the review copy in exchange for an honest review


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