Last train to Istanbul | Ayşe Kulin | Book Review


Genre: Historical Fiction

A book to relive our past, to appreciate the courage of some amazing diplomats and a beautiful tale of hope, friendship set during the Second World War.

This book has so many aspects that I am finding it difficult to write a review.

Short Review: It’s the story of Selva, a Turkish girl who falls in love with Rafo, a Jew and since their parents were completely against their marriage, they decide to leave their nation and gets settled in Paris. But when the Germans started the war, they struggle to move back to their nation and with the help of some diplomats they were finally able to catch the train to reach their homeland.

Different Aspects of the Story:

1. Bond between siblings: It talks about siblings connection(In this story it’s between Sabiha and Selva), the initial jealously when compared, the guilt feeling if anyone gives up, the pain of separation, loneliness and finally the urge to help each other during a crisis.

2. True Friendship: It gives us a glimpse of how even strangers could become our true friend during a crisis.

3. A Nation’s dedication and efforts: It gives us a glimpse of how top leaders go through different stages while trying to help their people. 

4. Courage: In this story, Tariq, Ferit, Selva, Rafo, Nazim Kender had shown extreme courage in saving people, educating them and help them to board the train that could take them back to their nation.

5. Trust and Hope: Finally, this book tells us how people should trust ourself and others during crisis and the Hope that future would     be better if everyone stick together.

It’s a beautiful narrative from the author and we feel very much connected to the characters throughout the story.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5


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