Should you participate in Book readathons??

Readathons has become pretty popular today and every booklover loves to participate in them if time provided. I have listed some points that could help you choose if you wanted to participate in the next upcoming readathons or not:

1. Visibility: Yes, the readathons give you a huge visibility in the social media. If you are creating a new Readathon or participating in an existing one, doesn’t matter—Your page would start getting noticed.

2. Knowledge : As a beginner we might not be familiar with a variety of books in market today or our shelves wouldn’t hold all the books that the Readathon prompts suggests. Hence we start googling.

So we come across all the similar books of the same category and thus without our knowing, we have a huge pile of information on-boarded into our heads.

3. Commitment: We find ourselves committed to finish a book and move onto the next prompt of our readathon like others.

4. Motivation: Like us, when others too participate we start getting motivated and hence our reading improves.

5. Now the last point.. Book Community: When we take part in these events, we unknowingly become a part of the huge book community out there and come to know the current reads of many people like us. 

These were some basic reasons that could or might motivate you to join a book readathon. 

PS: I am participating in a readathon for the first time through Instragram in November. (#thefriendsreadathon)


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